The accounts of Antique Furniture Suppliers Ltd from 1st October 2013 to 30th September 2014

Antique Furniture Supplies Ltd’s Cash book for September 2014

Ledger accounts for Antique Furniture Suppliers Ltd’s Ledger for the year ended 30 September 2014

Debit   Credit
Date Details Fo £ Date Details Fo £

Delivery van account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 82000 30-Sep-14 balance c/d 82000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 82000

Accumulated depreciation DV

30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 11500 01-Sep -13 Balance b/d 11500
01-Oct-14 Depreciation 11500

Fittings account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 16000 31/09/2014 balance c/d 16000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 16000

Accumulated depreciation fittings

30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 2000 01-Sep-13 Balance b/d 2000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 2000

Premises Account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 200000 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 200000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 200000

Accumulated depreciation Premises

30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 40000 01-Sep-13 Balance b/d 40000
01OCt-14 Depreciation 40000

Inventories Account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 54000 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 54000
01-   Oct -14 Balance b/d 54000

                    Sales Ledger

Murphy’s Account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 4350 20-Sep-14 bank 4000
Discount allowed 100
09-Sep-14 Sales 6000 Balance c/d 6250
10350 10350
01-Oct-14 balance b/d 6250

Doolan Account

01-Sep-14 balance b/d 8000 30 Sep -14 Balance c/d 14000
09-Sep-14 Sales 6000
14000 14000
01-Oct-14 Balance 14000

Doyle Account

01-Sep -14 balance b/d 2700

O’Haire Account

01-Sep-14 balance 5000 06-Sep-14 bank 10900
03-Sep-14 sales 6000 06-Sep-14 Discount Allowed 100
11000 11000








Baralux Account

01-Sep-14 balance b/d 50000 14-Sep-14 Bank 35000
Discount allowed 1000
50000 50000
01-Sep Balance 14000


01-Sep-14 balance b/d 2000 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 2000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 2000

O’Sullivan Account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 6600
16-Sep-14 Sales 3000 19-Sep-14 bank 2500
Discount allowed 200
Balance c/d 6900
9600 9600
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 6900

Sales Account

////30-Sep-14 Balance 391350 01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 357500
13-Sep-14 Bank 4900
22-Sep-14 Bank 2450
30-Sep-14 Trade receivables 21000
30-Sep-14 Bank 5500
391350 391350
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 391350

Sales returns account

01-Sep-14 balance b/d 5100 30 Sep 2014 Balance b/d  5100
1 Oct 2014 Balance b/d      5100

Purchases ledger

Cronin’s  Account

23-Sep-14 Bank 9000 01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 3500
30-Sep-14 Balance b/d 14500 01-Sep-14 Purchases 20000
23500 23500
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 14500

Slatery Account

22-Sep- 14 Bank 2500
Discount 100 23 Sep-14 Purchases 26000
30-Sep-14 balance c/d 23400
26000 26000
01-Oct-14 balance b/d 23400

Purchases account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 227750 30-Sep-14 balance c/d 273750
30-Sep-14 Trade payables 46000
273750 273750
01-Oct Balance b/d 273750

Purchases returns account

 30 Sep 14 Balance c/d 19250 01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 19250
1 Oct 14 Balance b/d      19250

Share Capital Account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 200000

Share premium account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 20000

Retained earnings account

01-Oct-13 Balance b/d 53150

10% Loan account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 70000

Motor Delivery expenses

      01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 11300 30 Sep 14 Balance c/d 11300
     01 Oct 14 Balance b/d     11300

Motor  Insurance

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 4800 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 4800
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 4800

Postage, stationery and telephone account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 5171 30 Sep 14 Balance c/d 5248
30-Sep-14 cash 77
5248 5248
           1 Oct 14 Balance b/d       5248

Light and heat Account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 5880 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 8408
07-Sep-14 Bank 2528
8408 8408
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d      8408

Rent Account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 10000 30 Sep 214 Balance c/d 10000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 10000

Wages account

01-Sep balance 88000 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 96000
 30-Sep-14 Bank 8000
96000 96000
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 96000

Discount received account

30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 5000 01-Sep-14 balance b/d 4900
30-Sep-14 Trade payables 100
5000 5000
01-Oct-14 balance b/d 5000


Discount allowed account

01-Sep-14 balance b/d 5450 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 6850
30-Sep-14 Trade receivables 1400
6850 6850
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 6850


Bank charges account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 3085 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 3085
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 3085

Advertising account

01-Sep Balance b/d 3500 30-Sep-14 Balance c/d 3500
01-Oct-14 Balance b/d 3500


Sales ledger control account

01-Sep-14 Balance b/d 78650 30-Sep-14 Bank 52400
30-Sep-14 Sales 21000 30-Sep-14 Discount 1400
       30-Seo-14 Balance c/d 45850
99650 99650
01-Oct-14 Bal b/d 45850

Purchases Ledger Control Account

01-Sep Balance b/d 13500
30-Sep-14 bank 11500 30-Sep Purchases 46000
30-Sep-14 Discount 100
59500 59500
01-Oct Balance b/d 47900

You must practise how to:

  1. Extract a trail balance from ledger accounts and cashbook,

After extracting the trial balance you discover the follow items:

  1. Closing inventory is valued at £35,000.
  2. Antique Furniture Supplies Ltd’s depreciation policy is as follows. Depreciation is to be charged on both delivery vans and premises at 20 per cent on cost and on fittings at 10 per cent using the reducing balance method.
  3. Light and heat worth £175 and telephone worth £265 are outstanding at the year-end along with wages of £2,000.
  4. You have decided to charge Antique Furniture Supplies Ltd £12,000 for your accounting services.
  5. There is a rent prepayment of £1500 and an insurance prepayment of £400 at the end of the year.
  6. After discussing matters with Antique Furniture Supplies Ltd, you decide that there is little likelihood of any  further  payments  from  Doyle  and  that  the  remaining  balance of £2700 should  be  written  off  as  an irrecoverable receivable.
  7. In the  light  of  the  experience  with  Doyle,  you  have  advised  Antique  Furniture  Supplies  Ltd  that  it would be prudent to create an allowance for irrecoverable receivables. It is agreed that a provision equal to 5 per cent of closing trade receivables should be established.
  8. Interest on the long-term loan is outstanding at the year end.


  1. To prepare a statement of profit and loss of a limited company in a vertical format showing calculations separately
  2. To prepare a statement of financial position of a limited company in a vertical format; showing calculations separately.

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