Question 1 (30 Marks)


The accounting profit before tax of Jameson Ltd for the year ended 30 June 2018 was $320,000. It included the following revenue and expense items:


Amortisation of development costs $30,000
Employee benefits expense 54,000
Carrying amount of plant sold 36,667
Depreciation expense – plant (15%) 40,000
Doubtful debts expense 12,000
Entertainment expense 14,220
Fines and penalties 7,200
Goodwill impairment 1,000
Insurance expense 24,000
Legal fees 4,200
Proceeds on sale of plant 30,000
Rent revenue 25,000
Royalty revenue (non-assessable) 3,500
Restructuring expenses 25,000


The draft statement of financial position as at 30 June 2018 included the following assets and liabilities:

2018 2017
Cash 42,000 57,000
Accounts receivable 190,000 160,000
Allowance for doubtful debts (26,000) (22,000)
Inventory 142,000 152,000
Prepaid insurance 30,000 25,000
Rent receivable 3,500 5,500
Development costs 120,000
Accumulated amortisation – development costs (30,000)
Plant – at cost 200,000 266,667
Accumulated depreciation – plant (90,000) (80,000)
Goodwill 10,000 10,000
Goodwill – accumulated impairment losses (2,000) (1,000)
Deferred tax asset ? 26,100
Accounts payable  111,500  94,000
Current tax liability ? 12,500
Provision for employee benefits 61,000 65,000
Provision for restructuring 25,000
Borrowings 210,000 190,000
Deferred tax liability ? 17,150


Additional information:

a) All plant was purchased on 1 July 2015. The tax depreciation rate for plant is 20%. The plant sold on 30 June 2018 cost $66,667.

b) A tax deduction for development expenditure of 125% of the $120,000 spent during the year is available under income tax legislation. The profit before tax reflects the amount of development costs amortised in the current period.

c) Assume all depreciation rates are on a straight line basis.

d) Rent is assessed for tax when received in cash.

e) Actual amounts paid for insurance are allowed as a tax deduction.

f) No deduction is allowed for taxation purposes in relation to entertainment, fines and penalties.

g) Legal fees of $4,200 are capital in nature and non-deductible for tax purposes.

h) For tax purposes, restructuring costs are deductible only when paid.

i) The company pays tax in quarterly instalments. The following payments were made during the year ended 30 June 2018:

28 July 2017 (Final payment for 30 June 2017)  $10,700
28 October 2017 (1st payment for 30 June 2018)  9,570
28 February 2018 (2nd payment for 30 June 2018)  10,470
28 April 2018 (3rd payment for 30 June 2018) 7,550

j) Except for the quarterly instalments above, no journal entries related to tax have been recorded for the year ended 2018. Assume the tax balances at 30 June 2017 are correct.

k) The tax rate is 30%.


  1. Calculate the taxable income and current tax liability using an appropriate worksheet for the year ended 30 June 2018 (show all workings). (15 marks)
  2. Prepare the deferred tax worksheet to calculate the deferred tax asset and liability balances and adjustments for the year ended 30 June 2018. Include all accounts and net balances where appropriate. (13 marks)
  3. Prepare the journal entries to recognise the current tax liability, deferred tax assets and liabilities at 30 June 2018 calculated in 1. and 2. (2 marks)


(Source: adapted from Loftus, J., Leo, K., Picker, R., Wise, V., & Clark, K. (2013). Understanding Australian Accounting Standards. (1st edition). Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons, Australia.)

Marking Guide – Question 1 Max. marks awarded
Determination of taxable income 12
Workings 3
Determination of deferred tax balances and adjustments 13
Journal entries 2
Total 30





Question 2 (20 Marks)

Part A (14 marks)

Justice Ltd acquired all the assets except cash of League Ltd on 1 July 2018. On this date, the statement of financial position contained the following accounts:

Current assets
Cash 12,000
Accounts receivable 28,840
Inventory 24,880
Non-current assets
Buildings 200,000
Accumulated depreciation – building (40,000)
Fixtures 60,000
Accumulated depreciation – fixtures  (20,000)
Plant and equipment 60,000
Accumulated depreciation – plant and equipment  (14,200)
Goodwill  1,800
Total assets 313,320
Current liabilities
Accounts payable  32,600
Non-current liabilities
 Guarantees  31,000
 Loans  74,200
 Total Liabilities 137,800
 Share capital (70,000 shares)  70,000
 Retained earnings 105,520
 Total equity  175,520
 Total equity and liabilities  313,320

Justice Ltd determined that the only identifiable items not recorded at amounts equal to fair values at acquisition date were:

Fair value
Inventory $30,000
Buildings 200,000
Fixtures 75,000
Plant and equipment 42,000
Guarantees (32,000)



Justice Ltd also determined that League Ltd had not recorded the accrued interest on the loans, amounting to $4,300.

In exchange for the assets of League Ltd, Justice Ltd agreed to provide sufficient additional cash to enable League Ltd to pay off its debts as well as liquidation costs of $5,000.

In addition, Justice Ltd would:
a) Pay two fully paid shares in Justice Ltd for every five shares held in League Ltd. The fair value of each Justice Ltd share was agreed to be $7. Costs of issuing the shares amounted to $4,000.

b) Provide League Ltd a patent with a fair value of $18,000. This was not recognised within Justice Ltd’s accounts at the time of acquisition.


1. Prepare the acquisition analysis in relation to the acquisition to determine the gain on bargain purchase or goodwill. (5 marks)

2. Prepare the journal entries in the records of Justice Ltd to record its acquisition of the assets of League Ltd at 1 July 2018. (10 marks)

3. Prepare the acquisition analysis on the basis each of Justice Ltd shares was instead agreed to be $10. (4 marks)

(Source: adapted from Loftus, J., Leo, K., Picker, R., Wise, V., & Clark, K. (2013). Understanding Australian Accounting Standards. (1st edition). Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons, Australia.)



Part B (6 marks)


What are acquisition-related costs? With reference to relevant accounting standard(s), discuss whether these costs should be capitalised or expensed.


(Source: adapted from Leo, K. J., Sweeting, J., Knapp, J. & McGowan, S. (2014). Company Accounting, (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.)


Marking Guide – Question 2 Max. marks awarded
Part A
Acquisition analysis 4
Journal entries 6
Acquisition analysis 4
Part B
Explanation of ‘acquisition-related costs’ 3
Reference to relevant accounting standard(s) 1
Example used 2
Total 20



Question 3 (35 Marks)


Water Ltd acquired its shares in Melon Ltd at 1 January 2018, buying the 10,000 shares in Melon Ltd for $20,000 on a cum div. basis. At that date, Melon Ltd recorded share capital of $10,000. Melon Ltd had declared prior to the acquisition a dividend of $3,000 that was paid in March 2018.


Financial information for Water Ltd and its 100% owned subsidiary, Melon Ltd, for the period ended 31 December 2018 is provided below:


Water Ltd Melon Ltd
Sales revenue  $25,000  $23,600
Dividend revenue  1,000  0
Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment  1,000  3,500
Other income  1,000  2,000
Total income  28,000  29,100
Cost of sales  21,000  18,000
Other expenses  3,000  1,000
Total expenses  24,000  19,000
Profit before income tax  4,000  10,100
Income tax expense  1,350  1,950
Profit for the period  2,650  8,150
Retained earnings (01/01/2018)  6,000  3,000
 8,650  11,150
Interim dividend paid  (2,500)  (1,000)
Retained earnings (31/12/2018)  6,150  10,150


Additional information:

a) At 1 January 2018, all identifiable assets and liabilities of Melon Ltd were recorded at fair value except for inventory, for which the carrying amount was $400 less than fair value. 10% of this inventory was still on hand at 31 December 2018. Inventory on hand in Melon Ltd at 31 December 2018 also includes some items acquired from Water Ltd during the current period. These were sold by Water Ltd for $5,000, at a profit before tax of $1,000.

b) Half of the goodwill on acquisition of Melon Ltd by Water Ltd was written off as the result of an impairment test on 31 December 2018.

c) During March 2018, Water Ltd provided some management services to Melon Ltd at a fee of $700 paid by 31 December 2018.

d) On 1 July 2018, Melon Ltd sold machinery to Water Ltd at a gain of $3,500. This machinery had a carrying amount to Melon Ltd of $20,000, and was considered by Water Ltd to have a 5 year useful life.

e) By 31 December 2018, the financial assets acquired by Water Ltd and Melon Ltd from external entities increased in value by $1,000 and $650 respectively with gains and losses being recognised in other comprehensive income.

f) The income tax rate is 30%.




  1. Determine the gain on bargain purchase or goodwill as at acquisition date. (2 marks)
  2. Prepare the consolidation journal entries for Water Ltd immediately after acquisition on 1 July 2018. (4 marks)
  3. Prepare the consolidation journal entries for Water Ltd as at 31 December 2018. (11 marks)
  4. Prepare the consolidation worksheet for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements by Water Ltd as at 31 December 2018. (6 marks)
  5. Prepare the consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for Water Ltd and its subsidiary, Melon Ltd, at 31 December 2018. (6 marks)
  6. Discuss the concept of ‘realisation’ using the intragroup transactions in this question to illustrate the concept. (6 marks)


(Source: adapted from Loftus, J., Leo, K., Daniliuc, S., Boys, N., Luke, B., Ang H., Byrnes, K. (2017). Financial Reporting. (2nd Edition). Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons, Australia).


Marking Guide – Question 3 Max. marks awarded
Acquisition analysis with workings 2
Consolidation journal entries provided immediately after acquisition date 4
Consolidation journal entries provided as at 31 December 2018 11
Consolidation worksheet as at 31 December 2018 6
Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income 5
Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income – presentation 1
Explains concept of realisation 2.5
Provides examples to explain the concept 1.5
Examples relate to intragroup transactions within the question 1
APA6 referencing 1
Total 35




Question 4 (35 marks)

Butter Ltd acquired 80% of the share capital of Scotch Ltd for $330,000 (cum div.) on 1 July 2015. The statement of financial position at acquisition date of Scotch Ltd, including comparative information on fair values for assets is shown below:

Carrying amount Fair value
Current assets
Cash 5,000
Inventory 60,000 67,000
Accounts receivable  40,000
Allowance for doubtful debts  5,000 35,000 35,000
Total current assets  100,000
 Non-current assets
Plant and machinery (at cost)  200,000
 Accumulated depreciation – plant and machinery  (125,000) 75,000 90,000
 Vehicles (at cost)  80,000
 Accumulated depreciation – vehicles  (10,000) 70,000
 Buildings (at cost)  120,000
 Accumulated depreciation – buildings  (5,000) 115,000 115,000
 Trademark (at valuation) 100,000 100,000
 Other assets 40,000
 Goodwill 20,000
 Total non-current assets 420,000
 Total assets 520,000
 Current liabilities
 Accounts payable 40,000
 Dividend payable 20,000
 Total current liabilities 60,000
 Non-current liabilities
 Debentures 155,000
 Total non-current liabilities 155,000
Total liabilities 215,000
Retained earnings 55,000
Share capital 200,000
Asset revaluation surplus  50,000
Total equity 305,000
Total equity and liabilities 520,000


The depreciable assets had the following remaining useful lives at 1 July 2015:

Plant and machinery 4 years
Vehicles 10 years
Buildings 10 years


All the inventory on hand at 1 July 2015 was sold by Scotch Ltd by 30 June 2016. Adjustments for differences between fair values and carrying amounts at acquisition date are made on consolidation.

Additional information:

a) The dividend payable in the records of Scotch Ltd at 1 July 2015 was paid in August 2015.

b) On 1 January 2018, one of the machines that was on hand in Scotch Ltd at 1 July 2015 was sold at a gain of $6,000. At 1 July 2015, the machine was recorded at cost of $50,000 with accumulated depreciation of $30,000, and had a fair value of $23,000. Any related revaluation surplus was transferred on consolidation to retained earnings.

c) During the 2018 financial year, Scotch Ltd transferred $10,000 from the asset revaluation surplus (on hand at 1 July 2015) to retained earnings, and transferred $20,000 to general reserve from retained earnings.

d) Information on dividends paid and declared during the 2018 financial year is as follows:
– paid a $7,000 dividend declared in the previous period;
– paid a $4,000 interim dividend;
– declared, in June 2018, an $3,000 dividend.

Butter Ltd recognises dividends prior to receipt.

e) Information on inventory sold by Scotch Ltd to Butter Ltd at a mark-up of 20%:

– At 1 July 2017 Butter Ltd had $15,000 of inventory on hand which was sold by 30 June 2018.
– During the 2017–2018 period, $30,000 worth of inventory was sold, with 25% still on hand at Butter Ltd on 30 June 2018.

f) On 1 July 2016, Scotch Ltd sold a vehicle to Butter Ltd at a profit before tax of $5,000. Butter Ltd depreciates vehicles at a rate of 10% per year on cost while Scotch Ltd applies a rate of 20% per year on cost.

g) The retained earnings balance at 30 June 2017 in Scotch Ltd was $60,000. The total comprehensive income for the year ended 30 June 2018 was $28,000, including $3,000 due to revaluation of land measured using the revaluation model. The asset revaluation surplus balance at 30 June 2017 for Scotch Ltd was $54,000.

h) The tax rate is 30%.


1. Determine the gain on bargain purchase or goodwill as at acquisition date using the partial goodwill method. (3 marks)

2. Determine the gain on bargain purchase or goodwill as at acquisition date using the full goodwill method. Assume the fair value of the Non-controlling interest at 1 July 2015 was $68,000. (4 marks)

3. Prepare the consolidation journal entries for Butter Ltd using the full goodwill method at 1 July 2015, immediately after acquisition. (8 marks)

4. Prepare the consolidation journal entries for Butter Ltd using the full goodwill method at 30 June 2018. (20 marks)


(Source: Adapted from Deegan, C. (2010). Australian financial accounting. (6th edition) Sydney: McGraw Hill.)

Marking Guide – Question 4 Max. marks awarded
Partial goodwill acquisition analysis with workings 3
Full goodwill acquisition analysis with workings 4
Consolidation journal entries provided immediately after acquisition date  8
Consolidation journal entries provided as at 30 June 2018 20
Total 35


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