Project Description:

In this project, you will use a database to answer questions about student publications at a college. You will import an Excel spreadsheet as a new table in the database, create a relationship between two tables, and create queries using numeric, compound, and wildcard criteria using the fields in one or both tables. You will create calculated fields, group data when calculating statistics, create a crosstab query, and create a parameter query.



For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Access. Open the downloaded file named go_a02_grader_h2_Student_Publications.accdb. 0
2 Import the records from the downloaded Excel file named go_a02_grader_h2_Student_Papers.xlsx as a new table named Student Papers into the database. Use the first row of the Excel worksheet as the table column headings, and set Paper ID as the primary key. Complete the wizard and do not save the import steps. After importing the records, open the Student Papers table and change the data type of the Student ID field to Short Text. Apply Best Fit to the table, and then save and close the table. 5
3 Using Publisher ID as the common field, create a one-to-many relationship between the Publishers table and the Student Papers table. Enforce referential integrity and enable both cascade options. Create a relationship report with normal margins, and then save the report as Relationships Report. Close all open objects. 7
4 Create a query in Query Design view based on the Student Papers table. Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given: Student ID, Home Campus, Award Paid, and Publisher ID. Sort the records in ascending order by the Student ID field. Set the criteria so that when you run the query only those records display if the award paid is greater than or equal to 50. Run the query (five records display). Save the query as Awards $50 or More Query, and then close the query. 8
5 Copy the Awards $50 or More Query to create a new query with the name 2nd Qtr NW Students Query. Redesign the query so that the following fields display in the order given: Student ID, Home Campus, Publication Date, Paper Name, Award Paid, and Category. Sort the records in ascending order only by the Publication Date field. Do not restrict the results by Award Paid. Set the criteria so that when you run the query only those records display that have a publication date between 4/1/19 and 6/30/19 and a home campus of Northwest. Do not display the Home Campus field in the query results. Run the query (three records display). Close the query, saving the changes to the query. 12
6 Create a query in Query Design view based on the Student Papers table. Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given: Paper ID, Paper Name, Category, Home Campus, and Award Paid. Sort the records in descending order by the Award Paid field. Set the criteria so that when you run the query only those records display that have a home campus of Southeast or Northeast and an award paid that is greater than 25. Run the query (six records display). Save the query as SE OR NE Over $25 Query, and then close the query. 12
7 Create a query in Query Design view based on both tables. Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given: Paper Name, Publisher Name, Contact Name, Contact Phone, and Award Paid. Sort the records in descending order by the Award Paid field. Set the criteria so that when you run the query only those records display that have a publisher name with Texas in any part of its name. Run the query (eight records display). Save the query as Texas Publishers Query, and then close the query. 10
8 Create a query in Query Design view based on the Student Papers table. Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given: Paper ID and Award Paid. Sort the records in ascending order by the Paper ID field. In the third column of the design grid, create a new field named Federation Donation that will calculate and display the donation amount when the Federation of English Faculty donates an amount equal to 50 percent (0.5) of each award paid amount. Run the query (the first record—Paper ID P-01—has a Federation Donation of 20). 5
9 Display the query in Design view. In the fourth column of the design grid, create a new field named Total Donation that will calculate and display the total donation when the award paid amount is added to the Federation’s donation amount. Run the query (the first record—Paper ID P-01—has a Total Donation of $60.00). 3
10 Display the query in Design view. Use the Property Sheet to format the Federation Donation field as Currency with 2 decimal places, and then close the Property Sheet. Run the query (for the Paper ID P-20, the Federation Donation is $22.50 and the Total Donation is $67.50). Apply Best Fit to the fields, save the query as Federation Donation Query, and then close the query. 5
11 Create a query in Query Design view based on the Student Papers table. Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given: Category and Award Paid. Sort the records in descending order by the Award Paid field. Sum the Award Paid field. Use the Property Sheet to format the Award Paid field with 0 decimal places, and then close the Property Sheet. Run the query (for the Category of Student Life, the sum of the awards paid is $265). Apply Best Fit to the fields, save the query as Awards by Category Query, and then close the query. 10
12 Use the Query Wizard to create a crosstab query based on the Student Papers table with the Home Campus field as row headings and the Category field as column headings. Sum the Award Paid field, and name the query Campus and Category Crosstab Query. Display the query in Design view. Use the Property Sheet to format the last two columns with 0 decimal places, and then close the Property Sheet. Run the query, and then apply Best Fit to the fields. Save the changes to the query, and then close the query. 12
13 Create a query in Query Design view based on the Student Papers table. Add the following fields to the design grid in the order given: Home Campus, Student ID, Paper Name, Category, and Publication Date. Sort the records in ascending order by the Publication Date field. Set the criteria so that when you run the query, you are prompted to Enter the Home Campus. Run the query, and when prompted, enter southwest as the criteria (seven records display). Save the query as Campus Parameter Query, and then close the query. 11
14 Be sure that all database objects are closed, open the Navigation Pane, and then close Access. Submit the database as directed. 0
  Total Points 100

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