Question 1

Consolidation Parent Ltd Subsidiary Ltd DR CR Consolidated
Sales 700,000 500,000
Dividend income 2,000 0
Expenses 290,000 260,000
Profit 412,000 240,000
Retained earnings 1 July 2015 300,000 250,000
Less Dividend declared -1,000 -2,000
Retained earnings 30 June 2016 711,000 488,000
Share capital 1,000,000 600,000
General reserve 200,000 0
Trade and other creditors 530,000 208,000
Dividend payable 1,000 2,000
Income tax payable 140,000 42,000
2,582,000 1,340,000
Trade and other receivables 643,000 508,000
Dividend receivable 2,000 0
Shares in Subsidiary Ltd 900,000    –
Property plant and equipment (net) 730,000 710,000
Inventories 200,000 20,000
Other assets 107,000 102,000
Goodwill on consolidation
2,582,000 1,340,000


Parent Ltd paid for subsidiary’s equity for $900,000




Question 2

Consolidation Parent Ltd Subsidiary Ltd DR CR Consolidated
Sales 15,000 16,500
Dividend income 60 0
Expenses -5,140 -5,685
Profit 9,920 10,815
Retained earnings 1 July 2015 6,000 5,000
Less Dividend declared -120 -60
Retained earnings 30 June 2016 15,800 15,755
Share capital 40,000 10,000
General reserve 60,000 3,000
Loan payable 5,000 3,500
Dividend payable 120 60
120,920 32,315
Trade and other receivables 4,000 3,700
Dividend receivable 60 0
Shares in Subsidiary Ltd 20,000    –
Property plant and equipment (net) 70,000 21,000
Inventories 18,750 7,115
Other assets 8,110 500
Goodwill on consolidation
120,920 32,315


Parent Ltd paid for subsidiary’s equity for $20,000



Question 3

Parent Ltd acquired 100% of the issue shares of Subsidiary Pty Ltd for $430,000 paid in cash.

Date of acquisition: 1 July 2015. At this date Subsidiary Ltd reported the following shareholder’s equity:

Share capital                                       120,000

Retained earnings                              50,000

General reserve                                  10,000


Parent group adopts the cost model. Carrying amounts and fair value of assets and liabilities of Subsidiary Ltd are as follows:

Carrying amount ($) Fair value ($)
Equipment 14,000 20,000
Less accumulated depreciation (6,000) 0


Other information:

  1. At acquisition date the equipment was 3 years old and it’s original useful life at the time of purchase is 7 years.
  2. The annual impairment test assessed the recoverable amount of Parent Ltd’s goodwill was impaired by $4,000 on 30 June 2017


  1. Prepare the acquisition analysis on 1/7/2015
  2. Prepare the consolidation entries 1/7/2015
  3. Prepare the consolidation entries 30/6/2017

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